Lengheim Consulting and Development GmbH
Bahnstrasse 16, 2213 Bockfliess
Phone: +43 664/342 06 06
Email: office@lengheim-entwicklung.at
FN 400488d
Korneuburg Regional Court
UID: ATU68401026
Our website www.kawatech.at contains links to other sites on the Internet.
We expressly emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. Lengheim Consulting and Development GmbH therefore assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided there and hereby expressly distances itself from all content on these pages.
This declaration applies to all of our links to external sites and all content on these sites to which these links lead.
Information obligation according to §5 e-commerce law, §14 company code or §63 trade regulations and disclosure obligation according to §25 media law.