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You can find the investigation report of the MA39 here  for download.

 You can find the study report of the wood research hier as a download.   

 You can find the study report of wood research for artificial weathering hier as a download.

 According to the wood research study report for outdoor weathering over a year

 ÖNORM EN-927-3 can be found hier as a download.  

 You can find the OFI investigation report for the electrostatic investigation hier as a download.  

 You can find the investigation report of MA39 for the freeze-thaw load hier as a download.      

 You can find the MA39 investigation report for the crack-bridging effect hier as a download.         

 The investigation report of the MA39 for the heat-reflecting coating with infrared pigments

 for cyclic irradiation see hier as a download.

 You can find the MA39 investigation report for temperature storage (heat and cold) in wax interior coatings hier as a download.

The MA39 investigation report for thermal glass coating with infrared pigments

 see here  for download.  

The investigation report of the MA39 for the test for mechanical damage, impact resistance

 see hier as a download.   

You can find the MA39 investigation report for the albedo measurement hier as a download.  

The investigation report of the MA39 for the temperature measurement on a small-scale roof model 

see hier as a download.

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